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Thursday, January 3, 2008

trim down, get down, whatever

About one in four women would spend a week in jail to get their ideal weight, according to this article.

I read the statistic, contemplated the question and at first said I'd totally do it, too. But then I got to thinking...does four days in jail get you your ideal weight for life? Or is it only until you put the pounds back on? Just curious.

Anyway, the findings also indicate that 85% of women would take on an extra toe to be thin, 23% would shave their head and 50% would rather lose 20 pounds than live to be 100.

It's the first week of a new year, so naturally everybody's talking and/or blogging about it, including my co-workers Sandra and Allison.

I won't preach, especially since I plan on eating a Ranger Burger tomorrow, but if you need some advice, check out these fact sheets courtesy of "How to Look Good Naked."

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