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Friday, January 25, 2008

prison girls are easy

Happy Friday!

Looking for a hot date with conviction(s)? Check out this Web site, Conjugal Harmony. Motto: "The nagging stops when the bars slam shut!" Seriously.

After a relatively quick perusal, I learned the whole deal isn't legit. (Beware of accepting the "click here to register" link at work.) Still, it's a pretty good diversion that makes for at least 10 solid minutes of comic relief.

My favorite part of the site is how all the ladies list what got them in trouble with the law. A sampling:

"I beat up this bitch cop with my bare knuckles and she died so I'm done for life. Lets chat!"

"Arson but it turned out his kids were in there so they said two counts murder one."

Frisk me, baby!

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