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Monday, January 14, 2008

Eva Longoria Supports Jessica Simpson, Tony Romo Romance

Eva Longoria has given Jessica Simpson some advice when it comes to dating a sports star – “weather” the criticism. Simpson recently began dating Dallas Cowboys quarterback Tony Romo. When she attended one of his games and he performed poorly, fans blamed the singer.

Longoria says she knows exactly how Simpson feels as she is married to Tony Parker who plays for the San Antonio Spurs. Longoria said when she began dating Parker, she received the same heat from fans.

“When I first started dating Tony, I got the same flack, and this was so many years ago people don’t remember. If he had a bad game, it was my fault, if he got injured, it was my fault, if he had a good game, it wasn’t because of me,” says Longoria. “You have to weather is for a while, and once people get over it, they kind of get used to you.”

“Believe me, they are not thinking of us when they are on the field, particularly Tony Romo, who has 10 linemen coming at him. Do you really think he is really thinking about Jessica the moment that he is about to get sacked?” she added.
Meanwhile, Simpson did not attend Dallas’ game on Sunday. The Cowboys lost 17 to 21.

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