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Thursday, January 17, 2008

Kevin Federline Still Wants Britney Spears to See Kids

Kevin Federline’s lawyer, Mark Vincent Kaplan, says the decision to keep Britney Spears away from her children was a tough one. He says Federline’s goal is not to cut Spears out of the boy’s life but for now the situation is “painful, but appropriate.”

Spears lost visitation right with Jayden James and Sean Preston after she refused to return them to their father after a visit on January 3. The standoff resulted in Spears’ hospitalization and mental evaluation. A hearing on January 14 determined that her visitation rights would be withheld indefinitely.

“Kevin’s not indifferent to how difficult it has to be on their mother (Spears) and on the kids. It’s a sad situation. There’s no victorious feeling,” Kaplan tells People.

“But the best interest of the children require that they be in the most sound, safe, nurturing and consistent environment. That is paramount,” he adds. “[Kevin] is committed to trying to fill any void by him being there at all times for them in any way. He can’t replace their mother in their life but he is going to try to minimize the hardship.”

Another custody hearing is set for February.

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