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Wednesday, January 30, 2008

boys just wanna have fun?

Single guys in their 20's and 30's are stuck in "a hormonal limbo between adolescence and adulthood," this article concludes.

Read: They play too many video games and don't want to get married. An excerpt:

With women, you could argue that adulthood is in fact emergent. Single women in their 20s and early 30s are joining an international New Girl Order, hyper-achieving in both school and an increasingly female-friendly workplace, while packing leisure hours with shopping, traveling and dining with friends. Single young males, or SYMs, by contrast, often seem to hang out in a playground of drinking, hooking up, playing Halo 3 and, in many cases, underachieving. With them, adulthood looks as though it's receding.

I see the (possibly bitter female) author's point. However, as a girl who's been blessed(?) to date multiple video-game addicts, I've always thought there's something pretty endearing about watching a guy get all excited about robots/drawbridges/etc.

Maybe I'll have a different answer when I'm 45, though.

Thoughts? Is the author of the aforementioned article just making an epidemic of guys being guys?

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