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Monday, January 21, 2008


I've never been one of those girls obsessed with weddings. I've never bought a bridal magazine. I don't brainstorm names for my future children. I have absolutely no idea who, if anyone, will be in my wedding party.

My one weakness, however, is that I've always dreamed about getting engaged in a Victoria's Secret. Lame, I know. But it's my favorite store, and I really can't think of anything that would make me happier.

Anyway...that goal just entered my mind, as I found this article that claims 54 percent of men still get down on one knee while proposing. It also offers these statistics:

*44% of men ask their partner's father for permission to marry

*57% of men cry when she said yes

*65% of women say he could have put more effort and preparation into the proposal

*25% of couples wait longer than five years before taking their relationship that step further

*23% of women have been proposed to more than once

*69% of women thought the timing of the proposal in their relationship was perfect

Sure, it's great that more and more men are being romantic, but if I ever get engaged I'd get the most happiness out of knowing that the request was sincere.

Hiding the ring in a lingerie drawer wouldn't hurt, either.

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