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Sunday, January 13, 2008

Kevin Federline Ex: Britney Spears Kids Now “Safe”

Kevin Federline’s ex-girlfriend Shar Jackson, with who he has two children, says Britney Spears’ two boys are “safe” now that they are with their father. Federline and Spears are currently in a custody battle which turned nasty last Thursday night after the singer refused to return the boys to their her ex-husband.

She was rushed to the hospital and put on lockdown for mental evaluation. The boys were returned to Federline who now has sole legal and physical custody of them. Spears was stripped of her visitation rights.

Jackson says Federline is doing well. “I talked to him the other night and he’s fine. He’s just happy that the boys are safe,” she told People. “That’s the biggest thing, making sure that the boys are in a good place and that they’re happy. And they’re happy.”

Jackson also had advice for Spears. “I’m just one of those people that believe you need to take care of yourself before you can take care of anybody else. My only advice would be talk care of yourself,” she adds. “If you need help for whatever reason, go get it. Do whatever you have to do for those babies.”

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