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Thursday, December 20, 2007

oooohhhh yes

Wow...I skip blogging for two days, and come back to a blogosphere that's apparently now under a Jamie Lynn Spears dictatorship.

I'll get to that issue in a minute, but here's some more pressing news: Saturday is World Orgasm Day, according to this article. Here's what will, um, go down:

"The day works like this: people from all over the world are encouraged to synchronise their orgasms at the exact moment of the Summer Solstice, which Down Under occurs this Saturday at 5:08pm. This is supposed to bring positive energy to the earth, promote peace, engender empathy, compassion and love, and even combat global warming."

Get those AA batteries ready, ladies!

(If you're wondering about the lack of recent blogging, it's because I've been totally consumed by our holiday lights competition. See the fruits of my labor here.)

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