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Thursday, December 20, 2007


I feel like I'll be shut out of humanity if I don't post something about Jamie Lynn Spears' pregnancy. So out of panic, I just did a Google news search on the issue. Turns out finding bizarre takes on the issue wasn't that hard after all. Here goes:

*A 16-year-old is pregnant. Who better to comment on the issue than Blair from "Facts of Life"? Sure, she didn't get pregnant as a teen. And was on TV, like, 20 years ago. But other than that, they're totally the same person. Read more here.

*Nickelodeon is considering airing a special about love and sex to explain the issue to its younger audience. Who, of course, has been living a completely sheltered existence until now. Get the full story here.

*The online version of TV Guide brilliantly decided to run this article, in which a "regular teenager" gives her opinion of the issue. My favorite part: "Now, I personally do not know Jamie Lynn Spears, but it is my guess that she, along with most teenagers, myself included, did not plan on having children pre-high school graduation."

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