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Monday, December 17, 2007

Marathon man Pete Doherty

Pete Doherty is set to run the London Marathon next year.

The troubled Babyshambles rocker has already started training for the demanding 26-mile road race with his former landlord, radio DJ Ralph Bernard.

A source said: "Ralph knocked on Pete's door one day and they went for a run. Despite being completely out of shape, Pete enjoyed it and he's been out again and again. The runs went so well, Ralph suggested that Pete try a marathon."

Pete's representatives have not denied the singer is planning to run the gruelling race on April 13, saying: "There is some truth to this - you never know what could happen."

The 28-year-old star, who is battling heroin drug addiction, has also been seen meditating and doing press-ups in a bid to clean up his act.

The source added: "He thinks that running is a great way to get back in shape - especially after piling on the pounds in rehab.

"He knows that people will be surprised by his efforts to be healthier but he really wants to turn over a new leaf."

Meanwhile, Pete has revealed he has a new addiction - mince pies.

The rocker, who performed at Kent's Tap'n'Tin pub at the weekend, rejected all alcoholic drinks and insists he is planning a sober Christmas.

He said: "It is going to be mince pies for me this Christmas. I have got a massive order on the way."

December 17 2007 -

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