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Thursday, December 6, 2007

KT Tunstall's finger fear

KT Tunstall has given up rock climbing to save her music career.

The 'Suddenly I See' singer is a huge fan of the dangerous activity but has quit over fears frostbite could ruin her guitar-playing skills.

KT told Scotland's Daily Record newspaper: "One of the best holidays I've ever had was on the Isle of Skye a few years ago. I find being on an island very relaxing. The hills are pretty formidable.

"My parents met as climbers and I've done a little myself, including a course in Snowdonia. I love the mountains but I'm also aware of the dangers they present.

"What worries me most is damaging my fingers. At the moment, I can't afford to risk losing them to frostbite but I'd love to do more in the future."

Meanwhile, KT has revealed she has never used sex to sell her music - because she is flat-chested.

KT, 32, said: "My new album cover is me fully embracing fame, in a spangly dress with a guitar. I've never done the cleavage thing because I don't have any cleavage! It's quite hard to achieve without a seriously tight corset!

"I couldn't do sexy photos because I'd totally be stitching myself up. That, for me, is where the total disrespect for female artistry lies, because you'd be getting your t*ts and a**e out, and all of a sudden no one is interested in how good your music is."

December 6 2007 -

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