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Thursday, November 15, 2007

romance or career?

Listen up, guys. This news seriously challenges your ability to accuse us of constantly wanting to talk about our feelings.

Women are less romantic than men, this study concludes.

Well, kinda.

The study focused on participants' willingness to choose a relationship over a career, or vice versa. The conclusion?

"The outcome of the study highlighted the fact that men are far more romantic and will much sooner choose...a relationship over any career."

But wait. Researchers caution that the study focused only on students, so the findings might not be universal.

They might be on to something, though. In part, I think some women are still in the mind frame that their career opportunities are limited -- at least compared to opportunities available for men -- and are more inclined to jump on an ideal offer, even if it's not the best match for their personal life.

OK. You've just gotten the job offer of your dreams, but your significant other refuses to move. What do you do?

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