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Thursday, November 15, 2007

the best years of your life?

CollegeHumor just released its annual Power Rankings -- the top U.S. colleges where you can have the maximum amount of fun while putting forth the least amount of effort.

Judging criteria include factors like percentage of females, percentage of Greeks, stadium capacity and closest Taco Bell.

Also considered are elements like the average temperature in February because, "When it starts getting colder, girls will inevitably enter their 'comfortably fat hoodie' stage. This means staying inside instead of going out, while chowing down on Cool Ranch Doritos with the girls."

(I'm convinced this one is what knocked my alma mater, where the temperature hovered around zero, out of the list. Not to mention the fact that we didn't have a stadium.)

Anyway, No. 1 on the list is Penn State.

Here's how some local schools did:

*Auburn University -- No. 5

*University of Alabama -- No. 6

*University of Georgia -- No. 16

*Georgia Institute of Technology -- No. 29

*University of South Alabama -- No. 44

Not too bad. Right?

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