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Wednesday, November 21, 2007


Happy Thanksgiving Eve!

I have lots to talk about today, including a burrito-eating venture with Brad, but I wanted to with the double rejection we got on "The Bachelor" this week.

For those of you who have lives and didn't follow the show's 11th season, Bachelor Brad Womack made for the MOST DRAMATIC ROSE CEREMONY EVER when he surprised viewers by rejecting both of the reality TV show's final contenders. Get a full recap here.

Anyway, out of intrigue (read: loneliness and boredom) I watched last night's "After the Final Rose" and came back with a few insights:

Is this guy a bad person for turning down a relationship that would have resulted in nothing but a staged courtship and PR-driven separation? No. I can't believe how shocked people were that he "led both women on" and "waited until the last minute to share his feelings."

Wow. It's like there were TV producers directing his every move or something.

Imagine that!

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