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Monday, March 12, 2007

drop it like it's hot

If nothing else, the magnitude of fun at Amanda's bachelorette party gave me a sole incentive to get married. I think it's safe to say a good time was had by all, not to mention the fact that downtown will never be the same. Maybe.

We ended up hitting Oxygen, Big City Club (for all of about 2 minutes) and Savana's. All were especially stellar choices, I might add. Actually, I hadn't been to Oxygen in months, and I'm glad we made it the first stop on Saturday night's agenda. Trust me, the lure of cage dancing was just too hard for some of us to resist. See attached photos.

We left Big City early because it was too crowded, and then found a welcome last stop of the night at Savana's. I don't usually associate this relatively chill bar with bumping and grinding, so you can imagine my surprise at the sight of a cowboy hat-clad female DJ who was sweating to the oldies (read: early 1990s) like her life depended on it. The second-to-last song of the night was "Whoomp! There It Is." Enough said.

But I'll say more. Eclectic samplings aside, the DJ at Savana's is now one of my favorite people ever. Here's why. I interrupted her mid-song to request some Journey ("Any Way You Want It") and then, mere seconds after my request, she stopped the current song and put on Journey instead. It was like the musical equivalent of breaking news. Loved it.

Anyway, congratulations again, Amanda. Columbus will miss you and your sexy legs.

Happy Monday. Oh...and if anyone has horror stories from local dance floors, drop me a comment. I'm working on a column about the do's and don'ts of dance.

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