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Thursday, September 30, 2010

Take a Look: Court Documents in Bishop Eddie Long Case

Click here to view one of the lawsuits filed against Bishop Eddie Long.

Ridin' solo

In high school, I had a goal to slow dance with one boy at every school dance. Given my paralyzing shyness toward members of the opposite sex, this was harder than it sounds.

Anyway, I always targeted a guy who was standing alone -- chiefly because I didn't want somebody who'd reject me in front of a group of friends.

That wasn't the best strategy.

There's a reason why certain people end up standing alone.

I'd wind up dancing with someone who had a body odor problem, or an affinity for talking about cartoons.

I remembered the scenario after reading a Glamour blog post, which asks if guys who go to bars alone are cute or creepy.

It's not a gender-specific issue. There's still some stigma surrounding a decision to hit a hot spot alone. Even if you look normal, people assume you must have done something to warrant an absence of friends.

Then again, it still seems easier to approach a solo partier than somebody surrounded by friends. The worst case scenario is much more pleasant: being rejected by one person, instead of a crowd.

Weigh in: Would you approach a partier sitting alone in a bar?

Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt

This news might come as a total shock, but Heidi Montag called off her divorce to Spencer Pratt. Apparently, a recent trip to Costa Rica reminded her of Spencer's desirability.

My reaction to the news is simple: I told you so.

The pair has manipulated the media so much that I rolled my eyes when reports of their "divorce" initially surfaced.

I felt guilty about my lack of compassion. I mean, what if I knew these people in real life?

Wait, I kind of do.

I think everybody knows a couple surrounded by so much drama that it's hard to take any of their problems seriously.

You lend a sympathetic ear, give some nods of encouragement but think in the back of your mind that all the elaborate relationship renovation plans will never materialize.

After reaching their makeup/breakup quota, these couples somehow lose their right to relationship credibility.

Do they deserve it?

What's going on tonight?

Hey Thursday partiers! Flip Flops, 1111 Broadway, has $1 daiquiri night. I attended last week and I can confirm the deal is real. There's supposedly no cover for women, but I was charged $5. Bring cash just in case.

Here are some other Thursday night options:

The Uptown Vault: Starlight Karaoke, 8 p.m. free. 706-442-8370.

Players: Girls’ Night Out with free pool on hourly tables, 6:30 p.m. until close. Free. 706-653-0106. (18 and older)

Spicoli’s: Stereomonster, 9 p.m. free. 706-221-5252.

SoHo Bar & Grill: Johnny Konway, 10 p.m. free. 706-568-3316.

Scruffy Murphy’s: Whisky Bent, 10 p.m. free. 706-322-3460.


   Tosia miała ciężką noc i szczerze mówiąc nie dziwię się jej, że nie miała chęci na wyjście do przedszkola. Udało nam się jednak ją przekonać. Okazało się, że dziś jest Światowy Dzień Przedszkolaka. Maluszki nasze kochane mają nawet swój hymn.

"W różnych krajach są nasze przedszkola
 W Mediolanie, Paryżu, Warszawie.
Lecz ich wszystkich taka sama jest rola-

Uczyć życia i nieść radość w zabawie
   ref; Dziś złączeni wspólnym celem z całym światem
   Otwieramy drzwi przedszkola dla każdego.
   Kto się stanie dla nas siostrą oraz bratem?

   Ofiaruje cząstkę serca nam swojego.
Różne dzieci, różny kolor skóry mają.
Język także od naszego różni się.
Lecz tak samo wszystkie tańczą i śpiewają.

I tak samo ze swą panią bawią się.
W Dniu Światowym Przedszkolaka was prosimy.
By budować z OMEP wielki, wspólny dom.
Z przedszkolami innych krajów się łączymy,
 Niech szczęśliwe dzieci w salach zawsze są."

Mamy również dziś Dzien Chłopaka. Z tej okazji życzę mojemu Markowi wszystkiego naj :*

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Why Do Black Athletes Go Broke? Let’s Figure Out Why

by Dr. Boyce Watkins, Syracuse UniversityScholarship in Action 

I am participating with MSN in a project called "The Invested Life." The program represents the launch of a series of web-based episodes that teach the fundamentals of investing to regular, everyday people. I've worked on the show for months, and I'll be engaged in the project for the rest of the year. It's been an interesting jump into the world of film making, with scripts, production schedules and all that good stuff. I've gained a newfound respect for how hard real actors and actresses actually have to work.
A guest on the show is a man named Winfred. Winfred is a former NFL athlete who found himself done with sports and trying to make sure that his wealth lasted until retirement. He made an interesting point that for many athletes, the challenge of retiring young with virtually no skill set can be a one way ticket to the poor house. As a man who is concerned about the plight of the black athlete, I constantly see men who've traded away their entire educational future in exchange for a very short and meaningless life of glamor in professional sports.

Click to read.

Woman Who Burned Her Face with Acid Just Went to Court

by Dr. Boyce Watkins, Syracuse UniversityScholarship in Action 

Bethany Storro made national news when she claimed she was the victim of a random attack. Storro told police that an African American woman walked up to her and suddenly decided to throw acid in her face. Storro received the sympathy (and financial contributions) of people all around the world. Even Oprah cleared a slot for her on her show.
It turned out that Storro was lying, making herself the latest in a long list of people who've falsely claimed that a black person attacked them. Her face is now blotched and red, where police say she allegedly put acid onto her own face, perhaps in a quest for attention. The story is quite sad, actually.


Click to read.

Bishop Eddie Long Accuser Issues Yet Another Bombshell

by Dr. Boyce WatkinsSyracuse University 

Most of you may have read the story about Jamal Parris, the latest and most vocal ofBishop Eddie Long's accusers. Parris and three others have stepped forward to file a lawsuit against Long in state court for allegedly coercing them into having sex. Well, another bombshell has hit the room, and this one was also delivered by Parris.
Parris told WAGA-TV in Atlanta that he and Long engaged in numerous sex acts on church grounds, both before and after morning services. He also said that they would perform numerous sex acts in Long's home, car and office at New Birth Missionary Baptist Church.
The four accusers claim that Long traded sex acts for cars, clothes and other material possessions. The sex scandal against Bishop Eddie Long seems to get just a bit deeper every single day. At this point, Long doesn't just have to worry about the ethical implications of committing adultery and being accused of engaging in homosexual sex. He also has to deal with accusations of pedophilia, since the public is not yet aware of how old the young men where when the alleged sex acts occurred.

Click to read.

Fake bachelorette parties

You buy the naughty veil, grab some female friends and tell everyone you're celebrating your final fling before the ring.

There's just problem. You're not getting married.

In fact, you're not even engaged.

Sound silly? Think again. There's a trend of women having fake bachelorette parties -- well, at least according to one website.

I've never met anyone who's confessed to having a fake bachelorette party, but the concept seems entirely feasible.

It's hard not to be a little jealous when you see an entourage sporting inflatable body parts downtown.

My only problem? The setup risks turning into the boy who cried wolf. Or, um, the girl who cried suck for a buck.

Your fake bachelorette party could generate so much enthusiasm that when you celebrate a marriage for real, everybody's all drained out.


(via Lemondrop)

Tavis Smiley and Cornel West Get a New Gig Together

by Dr. Boyce Watkins, Syracuse UniversityBlack Scholarship in Action 

Cornel West and Tavis Smiley are two of the coolest brothers on the intellectual block. They've served as public road maps for the empowerment of black men everywhere, and their work does not get the recognition it deserves.
Well, Public Radio International is working to help change that by granting Smiley and West their own radio show. In fact, the show is going to be called "Smiley & West."
The announcement for the new show was made during the Public Radio Programming Conference, held in Denver, Colorado. When asked about the show, Smiley had this to say:


Click to read.

National Coffee Day

Today is National Coffee Day. The first person who brings me a Pumpkin Spice Latte gets a hug.

Coffee dates are usually a major part of a relationship's early stages.

Unless, of course, you're dating somebody who only drinks milk and Coke. Not like I'm speaking from personal experience or anything.

It's easy to understand the coffee date's romantic appeal.

It's a low-pressure option that usually allows for good conversation. What's more, watching your date correctly pronounce "macchiato" is kind of a turn-on.

So go ahead, indulge in some extra caffeine today.

Also, see if your job made this list of professions that rely on coffee the most. Hint: Nurses took the No. 1 spot.


    Ostatnio towarem deficytowym jest energia. Brakuje mi "chęci". Ale jest inwencja twórcza. To jeszcze chyba aż tak źle nie jest :) Tosia juz oczywiście jest w przedszkolu a ja za godzinę będę leciała do pracy. Jeszcze nawet nie wyszłam dobrze z domu a myślami już do niego wróciłam.

   Dziś moją misją do spełnienia jest wizyta w papierniczym. Chcę "coś" zrealizować. Ciekawa jestem jaki będzie "tego" efekt. No i oczywiście muszę kupić farbę w sprayu. Czas dokończyć smoczki.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Eddie Long Accuser Goes Public and Nasty Against the Pastor

by Dr. Boyce Watkins, Syracuse UniversityScholarship in Action 

As the days have gone by since the start of the sex scandal involving Bishop Eddie Long, I've become more and more convinced that there needs to be a serious investigation. Something doesn't seem quite right with the New Birth Missionary Baptist Church, and the world needs to hear more from the young men who've been speaking out in public.
While I've seen quite a bit of evidence and videos that have gotten my attention, nothing has compelled me more than the interview with Long's latest accuser, Jamal Parris. Jamal, who was chased down by Fox 5 in Atlanta, was reluctant to talk at first about the incident. But once he spoke up, his words were heard around the world. I'll lay out some of the quotes that Jamal shared with Fox 5, and give you my take after that.

Click to read.

Black Public Figures Not Speaking on Eddie Long

by Dr. Boyce Watkins, Syracuse UniversityScholarship in Action 

Trying to get various black public figures to speak out for or against Bishop Eddie Long has been harder than getting four year-olds to go to the dentist. No one is talking, but everyone is noticing. They are all watching CNN and seeing that Long is on after every other commercial break. They are reading the newspapers where Long's face is plastered in every section other than Sports and Classifieds. They are seeing the websites that produce one Eddie Long article after another. The man is omnipresent.
Black leaders are also noticing the spandex outfit Long sported in those racy bathroom pictures. They remember the odd-looking wig Long wore when appearing before the church this past Sunday. Most significantly, they've noticed the long line of young men, in different states, who don't seem to know one another, who are saying that Eddie Long had sex with them.

Click to read.

Thanks, Mom and Dad

Jezebel links to an interesting essay by a guy who's afraid to marry.

Has he witnessed too many examples of love gone wrong? Not exactly.

His ambivalence toward marriage is driven by the reverse scenario: a portrait of love that's so blissful, it's intimidating. That portrait of love comes courtesy of his parents.

He's afraid he can't live up to his parents' happy marriage.

Naturally, the idea seems a little flawed. As children -- even as adult children -- we never have a truly accurate perception of the inner workings of our parents' union.

We often blind ourselves to flaws just because, well, it's mom and dad.

That said, amid the many people who say their parents destroyed their lives forever, it's nice to hear from someone whose chief complaint is simply too much love.

Weigh in: Are you ever intimidated by your parents' marriage?


     Ale kaszana. Zimno, mokro, wieje. Fuj. Nie znosze takiej pogody. Za 6 dni idę pytac czy jest już moje prawko. Cieszę się bardzo, bo jest to równoznaczne z wolnością, z brakiem uzależnienia od innych. Gdy myslę o tym dokumencie to jeszcze trudno mi w to uwierzyć, że będę je mieć.

   Wspomnienie niedzieli. Przede wszystkim muszę zacząc od tego, że była wolna :) ku mej radości oczywiście. Tosia oswajała się z klawiszami. Bardzo jej się spodobało "brzdakanie" na białych i czarnych klawiszach.

   Tosia od godziny jest w przedszkolu. Wiem, że raczej już nie będzie źle ale jeszcze od czasu do czasu zerkam na telefon czy przypadkiem nie dzwonili z przedszkola. Wczoraj z innymi dzieciaczkami robiła wielka tablicę, na której przyznawane sa odznaczenia za dobre zachowanie, za ładne jedzenie, sprzatanie itp. Taka motywacyjna tablica. Dziś zrobię foto.

Monday, September 27, 2010

More money, more problems

Recent research suggests that "the more a man depends on his female partner’s paycheck, the better the chances he will cheat," according to the NY Times.

Things get worse. Consider this tidbit from the article:

And, in a cruel twist for women, men who earn significantly more than their female partners are also more likely to cheat.

The safety zone, apparently, is when women make 75 percent of what men earn, which sounds suspiciously like the national average of women’s salaries relative to men’s.

The piece reminds readers that people aren't always completely honest even in anonymous surveys about sex and relationships.

Yet somehow, I've still resurrected my visions of living as a hermit in Belize.

Jim Carrey and Jenny McCarthy

Are relationships supposed to be fun?

I asked that question after reading Jenny McCarthy's explanation of her split with Jim Carrey. Here's what she said:

The first thing is, when it's not fun anymore, you need to start investigating and do an inquiry into the relationship.

The comment rubbed me the wrong way.

I think in both our personal lives and our professional lives, we place too much of an emphasis on things always being "fun." Or "happy."

When we hit a moment of unhappiness, we immediately think something's wrong. And at times, something is wrong. Both other times, it's just life.

Then again, so many aspects of our daily existence already exude a sense of dread.

Maybe it's only fair to make your relationship the one place where fun is a priority.

Monday power anthem

A variety of factors contributed to today's song choice. First, I wanted to party like it's 1998.

Second, there's Brandy's candidacy on "Dancing with the Stars." You can get live updates on the show tonight at

Third, after watching Sunday's premiere of "Sister Wives," I had a dream my boyfriend became a polygamist.

If you don't like the Brandy/Monica version, click here to check out the "Glee" cover of the song.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Black News – 9/26/10

Bishop Eddie Long Will NOT Step Down

Bishop Eddie Long Will NOT Step Down

The Truth About Stacie Turner

The Truth About Stacie Turner

Who's Hotter: Lauren London or Christina Milian?

Who's Hotter: Lauren London or Christina Milian?

Photo Credit: AP Paul Morigi, WireImage

Hottest Posts

See All


Bishop Eddie Long Finally Speaks to His Church

by Dr. Boyce Watkins, Syracuse UniversityScholarship in Action 

I woke up early to go to the website for the New Birth Missionary Baptist church. I wasn't sure what to expect, but I knew that Bishop Eddie Long would be convincing. Every bit of his charisma and experience would be needed to manage the complex set of allegations against him for sexually abusing some of his members.
I'll lay out some notable quotes by Bishop Long this morning and let you judge much of it for yourself. What I can say, however, is that Bishop Long seemed to say a great deal without saying much.
"I'll be here next week."

Perhaps that means that he's not going to resign. I look forward to seeing if he is going to be preaching next Sunday.
"(This is) probably the most difficult time in my entire life. I want to talk to you for a moment about how to handle painful and difficult situations."

Click to read.

Friday, September 24, 2010

The Latest in Black News – 9/25/10

Report: Bishop Eddie Long Stepping Down At This Sunday’s Service



Report: Bishop Eddie Long Stepping Down At This Sunday’s Service

By Casey Gane-McCalla


4th Man Claims He Had Sexual Relations With Eddie Long In Kenya



4th Man Claims He Had Sexual Relations With Eddie Long In Kenya

By Casey Gane-McCalla


Stephen Colbert Cracks Jokes At Capitol Hearing



Stephen Colbert Cracks Jokes At Capitol Hearing

By NewsOne Staff


Buju Banton Trial Won’t Get Verdict Till Monday



Buju Banton Trial Won’t Get Verdict Till Monday

By Casey Gane-McCalla


Seattle Shooting: Grandma Goes Crazy And Kills 4



Seattle Shooting: Grandma Goes Crazy And Kills 4

By Associated Press


Racism Is Still Alive And Well In Online Comment Sections



Racism Is Still Alive And Well In Online Comment Sections

By Associated Press


New Movie “Waiting For Superman” Highlights Failure Of U.S. Educational System



New Movie “Waiting For Superman” Highlights Failure Of U.S. Educational System

By Casey Gane-McCalla


Blogger Claims  GOP House Minority Leader Is Having An Affair With Lobbyist



Blogger Claims GOP House Minority Leader Is Having An Affair With Lobbyist

By Casey Gane-McCalla


Republican Offers Chicken Wings And Hummer Limo Ride To Get Black Votes



Republican Offers Chicken Wings And Hummer Limo Ride To Get Black Votes

By Associated Press


NY Woman Found Guilty Of Fatally Poisoning Boyfriend With Antifreeze Margaritas



NY Woman Found Guilty Of Fatally Poisoning Boyfriend With Antifreeze Margaritas

By NewsOne Staff


Formerly Homeless Riker’s Island Guard Wins $54 Million Lottery Jackpot



Formerly Homeless Riker’s Island Guard Wins $54 Million Lottery Jackpot

By Casey Gane-McCalla


Man Hands Fisherman His ID Then Jumps Off Pier To Death



Man Hands Fisherman His ID Then Jumps Off Pier To Death

By NewsOne Staff


Aretha Franklin Releases Statement On Son’s Beating



Aretha Franklin Releases Statement On Son’s Beating

By Associated Press


Why Gay Religious Sex Scandals Are Always Believable



Why Gay Religious Sex Scandals Are Always Believable

By RK Byers


Brave Rape Victim Confronts Convicted Attacker, “You’re Less Than A Man”



Brave Rape Victim Confronts Convicted Attacker, “You’re Less Than A Man”

By NewsOne Staff


Buju Banton Says He Lied About Cocaine Deals To Impress Informant In Trial



Buju Banton Says He Lied About Cocaine Deals To Impress Informant In Trial

By Casey Gane-McCalla


Dr. Boyce on MSNBC – What to make of the Black Church and Homosexuality – 9/24/10

Video thumbnail. Click to play

What do we do about gays in the church?  Are there other pastors who spend their time engaging in questionable sexual activity?  Dr. Boyce discusses these issues on MSNBC.

Please click here to watch.


   Cicho, bo Tosia śpi :) moja kochana małpka szybko odpłynęła w błogi sen. Niech aniołek pilnuje, by to były tylko dobre sny :*

   Ja niedawno wróciłam z pracy i niestety dzień zakończył się problemem. Ale już się wzięłam za jego rozwiązanie. Oby było ok :)

    Bardzo podoba mi się pianino, które jest w kawiarni. Jest klimatyczne i mimo fałszu wydobywającego się z niektórych klocków to i tak dodaje magii temu miejscu.


Bishop Eddie Long Set to Resign from Church

by Dr. Boyce Watkins, Syracuse UniversityScholarship in Action 

It has been reported that the Bishop Eddie Long is going to step down as pastor after his sermon set to be delivered on Sunday. Long is currently the pastor of the New Birth Missionary Baptist Church in Atlanta. He was recently challenged by three young men who filed suit against the pastor for allegedly coercing them into sex.
There are also reports that as many as 30 young men have contacted the plaintiff's attorney, BJ Bernstein, in an effort to file suits of their own or join the existing lawsuit.

Click to read.

What's going on this weekend?

Fun Friday fact: The average couple makes it 22 minutes into a car trip before fighting, according to a recent survey. Keep that in mind as you navigate the weekend.

The action begins with Friday's free outdoor concert on Broadway. The Relics perform 7-10 p.m.

Saturday is your last chance to take advantage of the Exchange Club's famous foot-long hot dog sale. The hot dogs are available 11 a.m.-2 p.m. at the Shrine Club, 3202 Edgewood Road. Click here to watch me eat a hot dog.

The Greater Columbus Fair continues through Sunday. There's a "Survivor" casting call 2-5 p.m. Sunday. Details here.

Believe it or not, I have two really cool Sunday events for you.

Sunday Option No. 1: There's fundraiser at Picasso Pizza for a bartender raising money for a 60-mile breast cancer awareness walk. Action starts at 6 p.m. Details here.

Sunday Option No. 2: The Gourds and Whisky Bent perform 6:30 p.m. at The Loft, 1032 Broadway. Cover is $10. The Gourds made that popular bluegrass cover of "Gin and Juice," a cover song often falsely credited to Phish.

Still need something to do? Here are some more highlights:


Players: Karaoke by BudAbby’s, 9 p.m. free. 706-653-0106. (18 and older)

Spicoli’s: DJ music, 8 p.m. free. 706-221-5252.

Belloo’s: Claiborne & Friends, 9 p.m. $5. 706-494-1584.

Flip Flops: Jason Coley, 9 p.m. $5.

SoHo Bar & Grill: Whisky Bent, 10 p.m. $5. 706-568-3316.

Scruffy Murphy’s: Boneheadz, 10 p.m. $5. 706-322-3460.

Shanty Shack: Chad Bradford and the Darn Band, 7-11 p.m. $5. 706-507-3418.

The Loft: Peggy Jenkins and the Bizness, 9 p.m. $5. 706-596-8141.

The Uptown Vault: Almost Kings, 9 p.m. $5. 706-442-8370.

VFW Post 5228: DJ music, 9 p.m. free. 334-297-6493.

VFW Post 665: The Last Rodeo Band, 9 p.m. $5. 706-687-6656.


The Uptown Vault: DJ KamaKazi, music videos and bar games, 8 p.m. free. 706-442-8370.

Warm Springs Sports Pub: Wicked Dixie, 9:30 p.m. $5. 706-570-4936.

Shanty Shack: The M&M Band, 7-11 p.m. $5. 706-507-3418.

Flip Flops: Jason Coley, 9 p.m. $5.

Players: Players Club Bowling, 8-11 p.m. $3 per game, no cover. 706-653-0106. (18 and older)

Belloo’s: Claiborne & Friends, 9 p.m. $5. 706-494-1584.

SoHo Bar & Grill: Mindtrip, Leaderdog, Needless, 10 p.m. $5. 706-568-3316.

Scruffy Murphy’s: Boneheadz, 10 p.m. $5. 706-322-3460.

The Loft: Connor Christian and Southern Gothic, 9 p.m. $5. 706-596-8141.

VFW Post 665: The Last Rodeo Band, 9 p.m. $5. 706-687-6656.

Spicoli’s: Battle Cry, 9 p.m. $5. 706-221-5252.

VFW Post 5228: Donnie Thomas and band, 9 p.m. $5. 334-297-6493.


     Kolejna koszmarna noc. Dosłownie. Dawno mialam tyle złych snów w ciągu jednej nocy. Ale nie ważne. Ważne, że znów za oknem mamy śliczną pogodę.


Lecę myć włosy, zrobić rzęsy i zajmę się czymś pożytecznym. Później goł do pracy.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Victoria's Secret. Discuss.

Turns out those little pink bags make you feel sexy.

Well, at least if you believe the results of a recent study. After surveying women in a mall, researchers concluded women "felt more sensual and glamorous" simply by carrying a Victoria's Secret bag.

Confession: I've succumbed to the tendency.

There's something uplifting -- pun intended -- about carrying the lingerie store's bags. Yes, even when you're well aware the money you spent on frilly underwear means you'll be eating Easy Mac for a week.

It's worth it.

In fact, in my younger days, I dreamed of getting married inside a Victoria's Secret store. They just exude so much bliss.

And hey, the pink bags are definitely classier than telling the world you shop at Walmart.

Bugs are delicious

Watch me devour some pretty excellent crickets in this video. You'll learn about Insectival, a family-friendly festival that comes to Oxbow Meadows on Saturday.

The fried crickets were totally delicious. But now I can't complain when nobody wants to kiss me.

What's going on tonight?

Hey party people! Flip Flops, 1111 Broadway, has a new Thursday promotion that offers $1 daiquiris. No cover for women, $5 for guys. Doors open 9 p.m.

Some other highlights:

Players: Girls' Night Out with free pool on hourly tables, 6:30 p.m. until close. Free. 706-653-0106. (18 and older)

The Uptown Vault: Starlight Karaoke, 8 p.m. free. 706-442-8370.

Spicoli's: Tony Baloney, 7:30-11:30 p.m. free. 706-221-5252.

Bishop Eddie Long’s Bathroom Pictures Don’t Make Him Look Good

by Dr. Boyce Watkins, Syracuse University 

I woke up this morning expecting the day to be normal. But normal just doesn't seem to visit my house anymore. I am especially convinced of this fact after seeing some really "interesting" pictures of the Bishop Eddie Long. These pictures were allegedly sent by Bishop Long to one of his "spiritual sons," who has not yet filed a lawsuit.
After these pictures were released to the public by the plantiff's attorney, I am sure she said the word "checkmate" out loud. One cannot say with complete certainty that these pictures were sent to the young men to convince them of the importance of working out, to show off the latest fashion trends or to simply say, "Hey man, how ya doin?", but the images leave Bishop Long with a lot of explaining to do.


Click to read.


   Noc minęła mi jakoś niespokojnie. Tosia na szczęście już czuje się lepiej więc śpi nieprzerwanie od wieczora do rana. A to, co działo się z moją małoprzyjemną nocą związane było głónie z koszmarami.

   Tosia ma od dłuższego czasu fazę na rysowanie, kolorowanie, malowanie. Jednak jej pierwsze rysunki były jednobarwne. Pokazywałam jej i mówiłam, że ma tyle kolorków do wyboru i wszystkimi powinna rysować. Jakiś czas temu po powrocie z pracy Tosia wręczyła mi prezent.
Oto on :)

   Bardzo się ucieszyłam. A jej radości z mojej radości nie jestem w stanie opisać. Gdy zobaczyła, że bardzo się cieszę to rzuciła się w moje ramiona krzycząc "Mamuś chcę cię kochać " :)


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