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Thursday, June 25, 2009

The other woman

After her husband's death, Julie Metz tracked down and confronted the five women with whom he'd had affairs.

Metz is profiled in this NY Times article, which focuses on her recent book, "Perfection: A Memoir of Betrayal and Renewal."

The interviewer asks Metz if she'd recommend tracking down the infamous Other Woman.

“I don’t make a recommendation about that,” Ms. Metz says. “I recommend doing something, in the sense that I think what a lot of women do is crawl off into a hole and suffer this humiliation and don’t try to do anything to emerge from the situation. But what you do depends on your particular situation.”

It's good advice. If my guy ever had an affair, I like to believe I'd have the courage to give the nasty skank a piece of my mind. But realistically, I'd probably just stand there like an idiot.

I mean, what do you say?

(via Jezebel)

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