In the most recent article, she expands on that thesis with insights she gained based on the deluge of reader comments that followed the story.
The lesson? Today's women are complicated (guy translation: "psycho") and for many guys, opting for extended immersion in video games and "Family Guy" is better than trying to decipher what the opposite sex really wants.
An excerpt:
As the disenchanted SYM sees it, then, resistance to settling down is a rational response to a dating environment designed and ruled by women with only their own interests in mind. “Men see all of this, and wonder if it’s really worth risking all in the name of ‘romance’ and ‘growing up,’ ” a correspondent who calls himself Wytchfinde explains. “After all, if women can be hedonistic and change the rules in midstream when it suits them, why shouldn’t men? Why should men be responsible when women refuse to look into the mirror at their own lack of accountability?”
I thought about this lately, when I heard a guy try to pick up a woman by saying, "I just want to be in love."
Immediately, she blew him off, noting -- as I would have, too -- that she wanted a guy who would be in love with her, not just in love.
But something tells me that decades ago, his line would be interpreted as a genuine romantic gesture.
Have women made dating too complicated?
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