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Tuesday, November 25, 2008

major letdown

Dear Sugar discusses some findings that say 5 to 10 percent of newlyweds experience "postnuptial depression" so strong that they decide to seek professional help.

Given the magnitude that now characterizes the average wedding, it doesn't surprise me. This is exactly why I've always wanted a very, very small ceremony.

Seriously...people spend like two years devoting their lives planning this big event and then -- bam! -- they have nothing to do but watch "King of Queens" reruns.

Also, I think there's an expectation your relationship will somehow change once you're legally able to attach the terms "husband" and "wife" to it.

Or maybe couples are just sad because their wedding DJ didn't honor the "no chicken dance" request.

Think there's any validity to postnuptial depression?

(via The Frisky)

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