Yesterday I had a very bad day. Hence the lack of posts. You know when you wake up and instantly have a hunch that you're pretty much going to have the worst day of your life? That was so me.
OK, maybe it wasn't that bad. Things just got off to a pretty bad start when I had to have my pupils dialated before 10 a.m., making me dizzy for a good three hours after that. Awkward.
On the plus side, since so many things went wrong, I earned a greater appreciation for the day's cooler aspects. Such as:
*Starbucks' new Raspberry Mocha Frappucino. On the way back from the optometrist's office, I deviated from my usual summer Starbucks routine and ordered a calorie-packed iced coffee beverage. Fortunately, this was pretty much the best drink ever. If you are worried about calories, though, get an iced green tea lemonade. With two pumps of sweetner.
*Tango! For an upcoming nightlife column, I met with the local chapter of Tango Argentino of Georgia. The column will come shortly, but in the meantime I have four words for you: sensual art of dance. Love the tango.
*Kohl's. Coming home from tango, I surrendered to my carnal urges and stopped at Kohl's (5550 Whittlesey Blvd.). Yes, the store is kind of hit-or-miss, but there's a great sale going on and if you have the patience to browse, I strongly encourage you to stop by.
*Zima. Yes, you read that correctly, and no, I was not transported to 1994. At 8:47 p.m., I had an unexpected urge to buy a six-pack of Zima. Stop laughing. Basically if you haven't tried it and you want to drink zomething different, you should buy zome. There's all these cool new flavors like pineapple citrus. Seriously, stop laughing.
Happy Hump Day, everyone!
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