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Wednesday, June 6, 2007

nerd alert

Tuesday night, I had one of the best experiences of my entire life when I had dinner with the Campus Nerds from Columbus State University. It was in conjunction with an article I wrote that will appear in this Thursday's To Do section.

Basically, the article is all about the resurgence of nerds in popular culture, as well as the growing number of ways in which people can exercise their nerdiness. I won't give away too many secrets, but I will note that in my research for the article, I will note that I was amazed by the number of nerd-exclusive dating sites available.

Looking for love? Check out Nerd Passions, Trek Passions and Sweet on Geeks. Or, peruse the personals at my favorite site, Geek 2 Geek. The best part of that site is a 10-item list called "Why Geeks Make the Best Lovers." Here's a sampling of my favorites.

No. 2: Geeks appreciate their mates. Since you are likely to be one of the first persons a geek has ever had a significant relationship with, you will be treated well. A geek knows that there aren’t a whole lot of other possibilities. Frankly, geeks aren't quite sure how they ended up with the person they have attracted.


No. 3: Geeks haven't formed bad relationship habits. After years of dating other people, the socially successful have become too confident to be intimate, think of partners as being only for their self-gratification, and focus on making themselves happy. None of this is true of a geek. The lack of past romantic partners allows the geek to approach lovers with the zest of a neophyte.

Take that, Brad Pitt!!!

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