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Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Stop cooking! Now!

Confession: Since childhood, I've always dreamed of being the kind of wife who takes pride in grilling a nice steak dinner -- maybe with some fancy potatoes on the side.

Then, I learned that's the husband's responsibility.

OK, the idea was never really written in stone. But as I recently mentioned, it seems like in the majority of married couples I know, the man does the cooking.

Turns out the trend isn't confined to my social circle.

Check out this entertaining Double X article, wisely titled "The rise of the kitchen bitch."

The writer asserts it's time for women to reclaim a spot in the kitchen. Assuming they like to cook, of course. An excerpt:

We adore all the other gender-bending second-shift developments—men changing diapers and going to playgrounds, men vacuuming and straightening up (ahem, sort of). But male cooking is turning out to be one of those feminist-friendly changes that come with an unexpected, bitter aftertaste.

The piece has generated tons of online comments. Some readers understand a couple's territory battle for the kitchen. Others are less sympathetic, like the commenter who calls the writer bitter and petty.

Would I want my husband to cook? Maybe, especially if he had unrivaled knowledge of Thai cuisine.

But as much as a male spot in the kitchen is supposed to be an advance for feminism, it also seems at times to further the image of a wife whose primary responsibilities consist of sipping wine and watching soap operas.

Share your kitchen wars in the comments section.

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