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Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Would you say something?

That is, would you say something if you knew your best friend's boyfriend was cheating?

The dilemma has been floating around dating blogs ever since The Frisky recently asked the question in this article, which was picked up in CNN.

The writer's conclusion: Yes, she'd say something. Here's why:

Partly because I have a big mouth incapable of containing a secret, but more because I know I how angry and betrayed I'd feel if I found out that everyone but me knew I was dating a cheater.

Years ago, I knew someone was being unfaithful, but I didn't say anything. Now, I look back at the situation with regret -- but only a twinge of it.

Here's the thing: Girls are defensive about their relationships. Suggest infidelity and you'll likely be labeled either bitchy or "just jealous." Often both.

And the other thing: It's very rare that someone has absolutely no idea her boyfriend's cheating. Part of her usually has a suspicion. It's just a question of when she's going to be honest with herself and come to grips with reality.

Your "helpful tip" likely isn't going to accelerate the process.

I say all of this stuff...but then I think about how I'd feel if my friends approached me with this kind of information.

I don't know if I'd thank them, or call them liars.


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