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Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Male birth control

The man in your life assures you he's taken a shot that can function as the sole form of birth control in your relationship.


Think carefully -- that scenario could become a lot more common as the viability of a male birth control shot advances. A recent study of testosterone injections sheds light on the shot as a possible reality, ABC News reports.

If approved, the shot could change the relationship world dramatically, YourTango notes. Most of their predictions involve an underlying assumption of male sleaze.

Among the possible consequences? A rise in pregnant women muttering, "He said he was on the shot."

On a larger level, Feministing wonders how companies would market male contraception. You can't exactly use the "fewer periods" line that drives TV commercials about female birth control.

How will the male shot would affect relationships? Will men feel comfortable bearing the sole responsibility of birth control?

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