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Wednesday, October 1, 2008

mistakes men make

Ladies, think of the most horrendous thing a guy has said while trying to get you into bed.

That line is probably included in this Jezebel piece, "A guy's guide to not getting it on." It's a list of bulleted "you just blew your chance" items based largely on the author's personal experiences.

The list has attracted so much Internet attention that it now includes over 300 comments from readers, who describe guys who thwarted their chances of getting laid by doing things as horrendous as showcasing hair plug scars.

It also snagged the interest of this columnist, who contends that the list of pet peeves proves "that modern man is an impossible position when it comes to seduction." An excerpt:

Men need to convey sexual desire without sexualising the person in front of them, need to be authoritative, opening doors, paying bills, deciding where to go and so on (recent research found that 60 per cent of women would consider it a bad first date if they paid), yet treat women as absolute equals.

Calm down. The journey toward the bedroom can be difficult, but it's not like guys aren't getting any action.

I think the point of lists like the one featured on Jezebel is to remind women they don't have to put up with blatantly disrespectful lines just because the guy is hot. Or he looks good on paper. Or you're worried you won't find anyone else.

Because no one deserves to be seduced with a conversation that makes them cringe. No matter how good a story it provides later.

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