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Wednesday, September 10, 2008

happy sans nookie

The Internet is buzzing with news about asexuality.

There's this first-person article from a 24-year-old guy who's married and, um, just doesn't have sex. An excerpt:

People always ask how our marriage is different from just being friends, but I think a lot of relationships are about that - being friends. We have built on our friendship, rather than scrapping it and moving on somewhere else. The obvious way we differ is that we don't have sex, though we do kiss and cuddle. We like to joke that the longer we're married the less unusual this is. By the time we've been married five years we'll be just like everyone else.

Believe it or not, there's an even an official Web site, the Asexual Visibility and Education Network.

Asexual or not, I think a lot of people, girls in particular, often feel obligated to maintains some sort of sexual relationship just to be "normal."

After I graduated from college, I lived at home for two years, working my butt off in hopes of advancing my career as quickly as possible. I went on a total of maybe five dates during that entire two-year period. When I tell people that story now, 95 percent of them say something like, "You must have been going crazy" or "How did you survive?"

Those questions always amaze me. There ARE other things in life, you know.

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