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Monday, August 18, 2008

fun with foam

Well, I ventured into Saturday's foam party at Aqua Nightclub and there's no evidence I caught an STD. Yet.

Honestly, I was a little ambivalent going into the experience. This was allegedly Columbus' first foam party ever, and I think we all know how well new stuff flies here. Plus, hosting the party at a location outside the downtown strip was obviously a risk, since that meant people couldn't really stumble upon it.

That said...I found a nearly packed parking lot when I rolled up to Aqua around 11:30 p.m. Inside, I found that the foam didn't consume the club's entire interior, but rather just one tarped-in area. In total, the crowd probably wavered between 60 and 75 people while I was there. There were a handful of people in swimsuits, too.

Did I go into the foam? Yes. For, um, research purposes, I did some foam dancing for about 15 minutes. It was actually pretty fun. The only drawback was when I caught sight of the soapy (slightly murky) water around my feet. Avert. Eyes. Immediately.

If Aqua does another party like this, I'd recommend checking it out. If nothing else, simply for the people-watching value. But really, the club has a nice overall vibe, and it's one of the few places where I've never had a problem with stalkers lurking around me all night.

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