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Thursday, January 31, 2008

heartache leave?

Happy Thursday!

A Japanese company lets its employees take time off after a breakup, this article reports. Staffers 24 and younger get one day of "heartache leave" a year, employees 25-29 get two days and anyone older than 29 gets three days.

"Not everyone needs to take maternity leave but with heartbreak, everyone needs time off, " said Miki Hiradate, chief executive, whose company of six women markets cosmetics and other goods targeted at women.

At first, I was totally opposed to this idea. I'm against wallowing -- hence my criticism of women who choose to embark on post-breakup chick flick marathons. It seems like more and more, we're getting into the mindset that after encountering any obstacle to success, it's best to sit back and get all introspective. When really, you'd probably find just as amazing a cure by simply continuing your usual day-to-day stuff.

Plus, the suggestion that you can't be professionally productive after losing the man in your life kind of puts women back, like, 100 years.

That said, most people -- men and women -- don't get much work done on the day after someone breaks their heart. Maybe heartache leave isn't that bad after all.


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