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Wednesday, August 9, 2006

Styl'd to a "T"

If you've been keeping up with my chronicles as a stylist, you're abreast on the latest info. When a stylist (ME) is hired by a client, 9 times out of 10 we are allotted a budget for clothing. Some retailers charge stylists "pull fees" for using their garments. These pull fees can range anywhere from 20% or more of the total "pull" (i.e. if the merch you want to use totals $1000 with a pull fee of 20%, you'd pay the retailer a non-refundable fee of $200). Now some retailers will waive those fees in exchange for editorial credits (i.e. take a look at the newest editorial spread in your favorite fashion mag. Usually at the bottom of each page, they'll tell you where to get the featured outfit, along with prices, etc. That's editorial credits).

I gave that long explanation, to lay for foundation for newest development in current editorial project. This particular client (the same one from my Monday post) has built relationships with local retailers so they can have their pull fees waived. Great! That makes my job a lot easier! But here's the catch. The location where I can "pull" from doesn't have the greatest merch and on top of that, I can't get in contact with their liaison. It's very frustrating and I'm 'bout ready to throw up my hands! I mean it's like they expect me to produce a miracle. The shoot is in a couple of days and I HAVE NO CLOTHES! And let's not even talk about shoes and accessories. That's another topic for another day. Oh the trials and tribulations of a stylist. Stay tuned.

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